5th Annual Ceol Na Samhna Music Festival

Enjoy a weekend of traditional Irish Music, Dancing and Story Telling in Tubbercurry, Co.Sligo

The Ceol Na Samhna Music Festival will take place in Tubbercurry from 15th-17th November 2013 with a host of traditional music, dance and story telling celebrating Irish culture.

Wednesday 13th November 2013: Bi-lingual Table Quiz in FRC.

Official Opening

Friday 15th November: It was the official opening by Michael Brennan Chairman of Connaught Council with local C.C.É junior and senior musicians, special guests in St. Brigid’s Hall. Afterwards we enjoyed a great session in the bar.

Saturday 16th November: Workshops in Cawley’s : Traditional set dancing workshop with Betty McCoy and humorous verse and storytelling with Joe Corscadden. Followed by sing song, sean nos dancing and ceili in the hall. Followed by a great session in the bar.

Sunday 17th November: Youth session 3-5 p.m. and afternoon Sessions throughout the town.