Fleadh Ceoil in Sligo 2014 & 2015

The Fleadh Cheoil is the world’s biggest and best traditional Irish music festival and will take place in Sligo between 10th-17th August 2014.

We are delighted to see the Fleadh Cheoil coming to Sligo in 2014 and 2015. The fleadh will also coincide with the Tubbercurry Old Fair Day Festival will runs from 9th-13th August.

A fantastic opportunity to visit Sligo and sample all the delights we have to offer.

So whether you’re a competitor, a participant in Scoil Éigse, or simply a music fan, come and experience the fun of the Fleadh.

Visit: www.fleadhcheoil.ie

The Fleadh Cheoil is about many things – sessions on the streets, competitors giving it their all, heading over to take in the Senior Céilí Band competition, and much more besides.

Photograph taken from Fleadh Cheoil website of a traditional Irish music concert.

For packages please contact us on 071-9185025 for details or visit our reservations page.